Princes’ Islands Tranquil Retreat near Constantinople
Moda Burnu, the protruding promontory nestled between two bays, is a favored residence for the British colony in Constantinople. Offering a breathtaking panorama of Stambul, the Sea of Marmara, and the Islands, it serves...
Maritime Landmarks Bosporus
Maritime Landmarks and Legends along the Bosporus
The prominent square yellow structure neighboring the cemetery, visible from the sea, is Selimieh Barracks. It stands on the grounds where Sultan Murad IV’s summer palace once existed....
The First Crusade part 30
This took place at the sea-ports; but when the boat was out at sea, they gave him food and attention; and then afterwards the same lamentations and trickeries were repeated. And to make the...
The First Crusade part 29
Then you transgressed your oath, disregarded also the terms of peace and after taking this town and handing it over to us, you changed your mind again and kept possession of it, so that...
The First Crusade part 28
However he accomplished nothing, for his countless attacks were as regularly repulsed, and he could neither win over the Franks by persuasive arguments nor gain anything by fighting. Then in three days and nights...
The First Crusade part 27
So this Drungaire of the fleet I have mentioned went forth, and anticipating Bohemund’s intentions, repaired the town and restored it to its former condition. He also rebuilt Seleucia and made it surer by...
The First Crusade part 26
The survivors of the Pisan fleet turned their attention to pillaging whatever islands they touched and especially Cyprus; Philocales Eumathius happened to be there and advanced against them. At this the sailors were so...
The First Crusade part 25
When the Pisans caught sight of them they speedily arranged their fleet in battle-order and whetted their minds, as well as their swords, for the fray. As the Roman fleet was drawing near, a...
The First Crusade part 24
Butumites meanwhile with Monastras and the picked officers who remained with him, reached Cilicia and found that the Armenians had already concluded a truce with Tancred. So he passed them by and seized Marasin...