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Tag: Harput

Harput – Centrally located in eastern Anatolia, Elazig promises visitorsa rich feast of history and culture.

Dating back to the 3rd millennium B.C., Harput was home tonumerous tribes from the Hurrians to the Seljuks. The castle at Harput, wherelegend has it that milk was used to alleviate a water shortage during theconstruction, has ensured regional security since the time of the Urartus.

Made by sculptor Nurettin Orhan, the monument to Belek Gazi,a key figure in Harput’s history, in the courtyard of the Great Mosque is a reminderof this important ruler.

Dabakhane River to the north of Harput Castle is rich inminerals. Boasting thermal properties, its waters are highly recommended forgastrointestinal and liver ailments as well as for depression.

Harput – Turkey’s second largest dam reservoir, Keban Dam not only suppliesa major portion of the country’s power needs, it has also brought the localpeople resort areas where they can enjoy freshwater fish.

Elazig Archaeology and Ethnography Museum is located on thecampus of Firat University School of Engineering. The museum, which reflectsthe region’s archaeological wealth, features exhibits of finds unearthed inarchaeological excavations in the area around Keban Dam Reservoir as well asexamples of the region k ethnographical richness. Closed Mondays, the museum isopen other days 8 a.m. to 5p.m.


Centrally located in eastern Anatolia, Elazig promises visitorsa rich feast of history and culture.Dating back to the 3rd millennium B.C., Harput was home tonumerous...

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