Balkan Tours
Balkan tours – adventurous and relaxing journey
Balkan tours – reading books and watching films about Balkan countries is a good start. Thus you get...
Balkan Tours 2020 2021
Balkan Peninsula has always been one of the attractive and mysterious destinations around the world. With Balkan Tours 2020 – 2021 you have the chance...
The First Crusade part 30
This took place at the sea-ports; but when the boat was out at sea, they gave him food and attention; and then afterwards the...
The First Crusade part 29
Then you transgressed your oath, disregarded also the terms of peace and after taking this town and handing it over to us, you changed...
The First Crusade part 28
However he accomplished nothing, for his countless attacks were as regularly repulsed, and he could neither win over the Franks by persuasive arguments nor...
The First Crusade part 27
So this Drungaire of the fleet I have mentioned went forth, and anticipating Bohemund’s intentions, repaired the town and restored it to its former...
The First Crusade part 26
The survivors of the Pisan fleet turned their attention to pillaging whatever islands they touched and especially Cyprus; Philocales Eumathius happened to be there...
The First Crusade part 25
When the Pisans caught sight of them they speedily arranged their fleet in battle-order and whetted their minds, as well as their swords, for...
The First Crusade part 24
Butumites meanwhile with Monastras and the picked officers who remained with him, reached Cilicia and found that the Armenians had already concluded a truce...
The First Crusade part 23
Yet we captured Antioch unexpectedly and utterly routed the troops which had come from Chorosan to succour Antioch. In what way would it be...