Miss Tempy` Watchers part 3


“She was the freest-handed woman that ever I knew,” said Mrs. Crowe, decidedly. “According to her means, she gave away more than anybody. I used to tell hert want right. I used really to be afraid that she went without too much, for we have a duty to ourselves.”

Sister Binson looked up in a half-amused, unconscious way, and then recollected herself.

Mrs. Crowe met her look with a serious face. “It aint so easy for me to give as it is for some,” she said simply, but with an effort which was made possible only by the occasion. “I should like to say, while Tempy is laying here yet in her own house, that she has been a constant lesson to me. Folks are too kind, and shame me with thanks for what I do. I aint such a generous woman as poor Tempy was, for all she had nothin to do with, as one may say.”

Sarah Binson was much moved at this confession, and was even pained and touched by the unexpected humility. “You have a good many calls on you” she began, and then left her kind little compliment half finished.


“Yes, yes, but Ive got means enough. My disposition` more of a cross to me as I grow older, and I made up my mind this morning that Tempy` example should be my pattern henceforth.” She began to knit faster than ever.
“Taint no use to get morbid: that` what Tempy used to say herself,” said Sarah Ann, after a minute` silence. “Aint it strange to say ‘used to say?” and her own voice choked a little. “She never did like to hear folks git goin about themselves.”

“Twas only because theyre apt to do it so as other folks will say (wasnt so, an praise em up,” humbly replied Mrs. Crowe, “and that aint my object. There want a child but what Tempy set herself to work to see what she could do to please it. One time my brother` folks had been stopping here in the summer, from Massachusetts. The children was all little, and they broke up a sight of toys, and left em when (hey were going away.

Tempy come right up after they rode by, to see if she couldnt help me set the house to rights, and she caught me just as I was going to fling some of the clutter into the stove. I was kind of lired out, starting em off in season. Oh, give me them! says she, real pleading; and she wrapped em up and took em home with her when she went, and she mended em up and stuck em together, and made some young one or other happy with every blessed one. Youd thought Id done her the biggest favor. No thanks to me. I should ha burnt em, Tempy, says I.”

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