The First Crusade part 23
Yet we captured Antioch unexpectedly and utterly routed the troops which had come from Chorosan to succour Antioch. In what way would it be...
The First Crusade part 22
Then the Turks made a sudden descent upon the camp and carried off everything and afterwards pursued and overtook the infantry and annihilated them...
The First Crusade part 21
The Emperor knew that this plan was quite inexpedient and as he did not wish such a large crowd to perish (for they were...
The First Crusade part 20
The Emperor entrusted the Duke of Cyprus with the erection of such a fort and ordered him to dispatch the fleet quickly with all...
The First Crusade part 19
But Godfrey after being again elected king of Jerusalem sent his brother Balduinus to Edessa. Then the Emperor ordered Isangeles to hand over Laodicea...
The First Crusade part 18
VII The tidings of the Franks’ expedition was brought to Amerinmes, Prince of Babylon, and he heard how they had taken Jerusalem and also...
The First Crusade part 17
And then they entrusted that holy and venerable Nail to Isangeles to carry in battle as he was the holiest of them all. The...
The First Crusade part 16
He himself, with the whole crowd of baxbarian prisoners and of the Christians who had joined him, returned to the capital. When the arch-satrap...
The First Crusade part 15
And thus the Emperor’s expedition, which he undertook for the sake of the Franks, and with the desire of wiping out the Turks who...
The First Crusade part 14
But this was not so. For leaving Petzeas as Duke of Ephesus, he himself took the whole army and at once started after them...