Unveiling Dulkadirli’s Hidden Treasure
Journey to Discovery A Warm Welcome
After enjoying the hospitality of the province, we embarked on an adventure to explore the Underground City. The tale of turning an ideal into reality unfolded before us. As...
Dulkadirli Underground City
Discovering the Depths Exploration of the Underground City
In a groundbreaking effort, the mayor of Dulkadirli, Selcuk Dulkadiroglu, has uncovered the 2nd floor and 60 rooms of the Dulkadirli Underground City. Unfortunately, this historical site...
Links Within the Palace
Exploring Camlı Köşk
Connecting Spaces in Ottoman Splendor
Camli Kosk, linked to the Hususi Daire (Private Apartment) of the Sultan through a long, two-storey corridor passing through the garden wall that separates Mabeyn and Muayede Salonu,...
Own marketing
We did our own marketing
When we first acquired the company we said we wont expand in the tour operation business; we will do our own marketing and fly customers who purchase tickets. To keep...
Ottoman bricks
The bricks from the Ottoman era
The bricks from the Ottoman era are seen on the walls of the gallery set up by Evren Ertur. The general view of the gallery is seen. Evren Ertur...
Turkish existence in Yalvac
During the Seljuk period, the first Oghuz clan to settle in the region bore the name Yalvac, and this is the origin of the county` present name. The Anatolian Seljuks extended their military and...