Silence part 3
From that day Father Ignatius ceased to speak with his daughter, but she seemed not to notice it. As before she lay in her...
Silence part 2
“And I…” The dry voice trembled, truly something had broken in it. “And I… do you think I find it easy? As if I...
Silence part 1
Leonid Andreyev (1871-1919)
Born in 1871 at Orel, Andreyev struggled for many years to earn a livelihood as a lawyer. He began writing in 1900,...
Private Bulgaria tours Yachting
Private Bulgaria tours yachting in a different yachting way
Close your eyes and think about your dream private Bulgaria tours. Also, think about private Bulgaria...
Discover Varna
Private Tours Bulgaria – Varna – an attractive place…
Bulgaria maybe a small country but it has two capitals. And they are Sofia (Sofia city tour)...
Miss Tempy` Watchers part 9
“She didnt begin to age until two or three years ago, did she?” asked Mrs. Crowe. “I never saw anybody keep her looks as...
Miss Tempy` Watchers part 8
“There never was a better man,” responded Mrs. Crowe, in a really cheerful tone. She had recovered from her feeling of nervous dread, the...
Miss Tempy` Watchers part 7
“Tis a great thing for anybody to have got through, aint it?” said Mrs. Crowe softly, as she began to go down the stairs...
Miss Tempy` Watchers part 6
This touched upon an exciting subject to active members of that parish. Miss Binson and Mrs. Crowe belonged to opposite parties and liad at...
Miss Tempy` Watchers part 5
The women looked at each other in silence; the magnitude of the generous sacrifice was almost too great for their comprehension.
“She was just poor...